Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.
South Hetton Primary School offers a full range of childcare provision which we have listed below:
For all pupils, a daily breakfast club ran by school staff is available from 7.30am – 8.40am and charges £3 per day.
After school clubs
We provide a range of after school clubs delivered by outside sports coaches or school staff. They are varied and change half termly. Popular clubs may run for longer.
After school club lists are reviewed half-termly allowing new children to attend. Mrs Britton in the school office coordinates all places. Letters detailing the different after school clubs are sent to parents half termly.
A tea club is available for those parents who require it. There is a cost of £6.00 per day for childcare until until 5:00pm. The cost includes a light tea.