This section of the website is focused on providing an overview of the South Hetton Primary School
At South Hetton Primary School, our curriculum is based on the September 2014 National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 & 2 and the Early Years framework in Nursery and Reception. Parents and members of the public can find out more about our curriculum objectives by clicking on the following links:
You can view our whole school curriculum overview here.
You can view our reception curriculum here.
You can view our nursery curriculum here.

Please select the links below to find out about each curriculum subject.
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computing
- Design & Technology
- Physical Education (PE)
- Religious Education (RE)
- Geography
- History
- Art & Design
- Music
For more information on our curriculum, contact our curriculum lead, Mr Ruddick. Mr Ruddick can be contacted via the main school telephone number 0191 526 1662 or via email at