Our Governing Body

Governance Overview

South Hetton Primary is proud to be a member of Tudhoe Learning Trust. Governance within the Trust is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, who have chosen to delegate some of their powers in relation to governance to the school’s Local Governing Body. 

The Local Governing Body comprises of governors elected by parents, governors elected by staff, the Head Teacher and a number of governors appointed by the Board of Directors. The LGB meets termly and is responsible for the following functions:

  • The strategic planning of the school;
  • Monitoring the progress of the school’s School Improvement Priorities;
  • Holding the school’s senior leaders to account for the outcomes and progress of pupils;  
  • Monitoring the school’s budget;
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of specific areas identified by Directors.

The LGB has no responsibility for making any changes to the budget once Directors have agreed it, or authorising any additional expenditure unless the Trust’s Executive Head Teacher and/or Chief Financial Officer have given prior approval.

As part of their work, governors make regular visits to the school and look at key areas of the school’s activity – pupil achievement and progress, safeguarding, use of Pupil Premium and PE grant funding, reading, attendance as well as Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Through its work, the LGB promotes high standards and educational achievement of all pupils in the school.

Our Governing Body Committee Structure

NameAppointing Body/CategoryTerm
of Office
Trustee / Governor at other educational institutionsBusiness InterestGovernor/Staff Relationship
Mrs S Mason BEM – ChairDirector Appointed15/01/21 – 15/01/29North East Learning Trust – Trustee since 2009Member of the Labour PartyNone
Mrs L WighamParent & Vice Chair17/03/22 – 17/03/26NoNoneNone
Mrs C ChartersDirector Appointed31/08/19-31/8/27Chairperson of The Robin Todd Centre in South HettonMember of the Labour Party.None
Derek WheatleyDirector Appointed09/12/22 – 08/12/26NoNoneNone
Paul CassonDirector Appointed01/07/23 – 01/07/27NoNone None
Mrs D ThompsonStaff 11/07/23 – 11/07/27NoEmployee of TLTNone
Helen HartwellStaff 22/06/23 – 21/06/27 NoEmployee of TLTNone
Mrs J Padgett-FishParent21/03/23 – 21/03/27NoNoneNone
Bethany MiddletonParent19/02/25 – 19/02/29NoNoneNone
Mrs N Mayo – Head TeacherEx OfficioN/AEmployee of TLTNone

Each of our governors have a link role in school where they can challenge and support on the following:

  • Safeguarding
  • SEND
  • Attendance
  • Premium Spending

All governors have the opportunity to challenge on school development priorities and the Quality of Education.

To contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Sandra Mason BEM you can write to her at her address

Mrs Sandra Mason
C/O South Hetton Primary School
Frederick Terrace
South Hetton

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

South Hetton Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.

For further information about our governors, please view or download the documents below.
TLT Scheme of Delegation
TLT Register of Business Interest
TLT Governors Code of Conduct

How To Become A School Governor

Please contact the school or Tudhoe Learning Trust if you require further information about governor roles and responsibilities or would like to become a School Governor at South Hetton Primary.

Record of Governor Attendance 2024 – 25

Schools are now required to display a record of Governor attendance at meetings for each school academic year.

Archived Attendance
You can also view previous years attendance on our website.

✓   – Attended meeting
A/A   – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N   – Did not attend
X  – Not a member of the committee

NameFull Governors
27th November 2024
Full Governors
26th March 2025
Full Governors
25th June 2025
Mrs S Mason – Chair
Ms L Wigham – Vice
Mrs C ChartersA/A
Mr P Casson
Mrs J Pagett-Fish
Miss B MiddletonX
Mr D WheatleyA/A
Mrs H Hartwell
Mrs D Thompson
Mrs N Mayo – Head Teacher
Mr P Ruddick – Observer

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